• Using the OBS Virtual Camera as Input Source

    Starting from v.230722, Dollars MoCap supports OBS virtual camera. With the help of the virtual camera, the following scenarios can be achieved,

    • Mount the web camera vertically for easier full-body shots.
    • Use a smartphone as the video source to achieve both facial and motion capture with just one device.
    • Directly capture motion from the desktop window.

    You can download OBS here, https://obsproject.com/

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    You can click the button on the right side in OBS to start the virtual camera.

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    And in Dollars MoCa, select OBS virtual camera as the video source.

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    You can use the Window Capture feature of OBS to directly capture other windows on the screen, and use it as motion capture input.

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    Or screen mirroring a mobile phone to the computer, and do both the facial and motion capture by using apps like Live Link Face.